In 1997 The Enterprise Awards lacked a brand identity. There were also issues about how to better represent sponsors and add value and exposure without seeming too commercial. Seventeen years later, we’ve created an awards program that is known in the region as
“The Academy Awards of Technology and Life Sciences”.
Breaking down the components of The Enterprise Awards, we first concentrated on venue location, then developed production design elements that gave an illusion of a large scale space using screens, projection surfaces, lighting, sound…all of the sensory tools married into Openings and program segments that combined pop culture nuances with traditional soundtracks, always incorporating moments of surprise and excitement.
Having clients that embrace the attitude of doing things outside the box, we’ve been extremely fortunate to have the freedom to come up with (and actually produce) some pretty diverse scenarios.
The Production…
Our clients become the recurring “stars” each year, performing: a live ice sculpture while time lapse images traverse 17’x 40′ screens; repelling 90′ from the rafters onto a circular moving stage in a theatre in the round setting; ballroom dancing; reciting prose with live accompaniment of Handel’s Messiah with a choral ensemble of 100; aerial ribbon dancingfrom60’abovestage. A myriad of exciting and unique live scenarios that create moments which linger in the mind, building the brand experience beyond the usual and expected.
Finalist in the New York Festivals International Film & Video Festivals
2 Silver Telly Awards
Certificate of Creative Excellence, The United States International Film & Video Festivals