Our Back Story

About our Name… Yes, we connect (bridge) you and your audience with (brand) experiences,

but our name comes from a very special place…

My wife and I have 3 wonderful children—Gabrielle (Brie); Andrew and Bridget.

So, take the BR (from Brie); the AND (from Andrew) and the BRIDGE (from Bridget)…

BRANDBRIDGE just worked beautifully on so many levels.

At the time we incorporated, my business manager asked if we wanted to be CO., INC., or LTD.

Andrew, who was 13 at the time, thought LTD sounded best.

So we became BRANDBRIDGE LTD on July 23, 2003.

About our Logo… Every now and then someone will ask how we came up with our logo.

When I try to explain to folks, they often think I am kidding, but really—this is what I see:

The small b on a tilt actually represents a face—lets say the face of our client(s);

The stem of the b looks like the bridge of a nose; and the circular rim can be seen as part of the face;

The dot outside the “b” is intended to be an “eye”, looking outside;

The dot inside the ‘B’ is intended to represent our vision for each client project.

Seriously…this is the essence of our logo!


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